
Kenneth Tickle - Haiku of Haikus: A Breaking of the Rules

2014-11-10 8 Dailymotion

A sky without stars
An ocean without water
We don't belong here

Red, orange, yellow
Green, blue, indigo, violet
There is nothing else

We blend their colors
New generation rainbows
We can't be ignored

They say they love us
The honesty in their lies
They want to change us

Forget them, let's leave
Evade manipulation
We are who we are

No one is looking
Escape before they catch us
Follow the music

Take a left up here
A left again, and left there
Now take a left here

As hot as the sun
But still as cold as the moon
Keep running my love

Take a right up here
A right again, and right there
Now take a right here

We're almost outside
Passed the No Trespassing signs
Passed the cardboard trees

Jump the glass river
Let your feet set on the ground
Be prepared to smile

We did it, we're here
Don't ever forget the way
It's now forbidden

Now that we're alone
What do we feel like doing
Let's do everything

Let's break all the rules
Let's sit and push our passion
Test eternity

Words will expire
Dictionaries will be burnt
We'll be all that's left

Don't you stop breathing
I want to live forever
We share the same lungs

But listen to me
Please give me your attention
You're about to die

Kenneth Tickle
