
Margaret Alice Second - Own Little Life

2014-11-10 4 Dailymotion

You came to the conclusion I was too stupid
to run my own life, you prescribed getting a
Facebook site from where to become the faith-
ful disciple of everyone you like, you think it a
good idea to rate their photographs high and
communicate in German and French simply
because you like doing it; you recommend
joining an Ayn Rand discussion group

One little victory for me: my stoic face remains
expressionless as I listen to your praising the
virtues of publishing photos and posting poems
expressing heart-felt pain and loss of life and
love; and I wonder why you always insist that
I should follow your ideas like a sheep, why
do you get angry if I refuse to kiss the feet
of those you adore

Why not leave me alone to figure out my own
little life, even if it seems too small to you, why
always ready with a straightjacket to tie up my
arms to prevent exploring; why do you think I
am brain-dead and will always be like this?

Margaret Alice Second
