
Juan Olivarez - A Bit Of Happiness

2014-11-10 6 Dailymotion

Life has cruel twists and turns,
But somewhere along the road,
We all find a bit of happiness.
I did and I'm supposing you did too.

I know at the time that didn't seem possible,
I never thought it possible,
You crying in the rain, me walking away,
Cruel destiny standing between us, pushing us apart.

You found someone else, and so did I,
You found a bit of happiness I'm sure.
And somewhere along Life's road, so did I.
Nothing is perfect in this imperfect world.

Yet nobody leads a perfect life,
Though there are those that aspire to that.
But it is left to us, to suffer a bit,
To cry a bit, before we find, a bit, of happiness.

11/3/11 Alton Texas

Juan Olivarez
