Brother, you have been killed
By people that they have sent
Only because you said the truth
Considered as a sin in our land.
Today, they want us forget you
Through their catastrophic justice
But they don´t see
How your death is a national footmark.
Heaven has heard your voice,
We, your fellow citizens, have to say
Forcibly how the country has become the hell
So that we build the last and strong wing of Kinshasa.
It is foreseeable that you are not
The last martyr for stopping dictatorship
I think that you have met Armand Tungulu
Be ready to welcome other Congolese Heroes.
Stay calm in your eternal mind
Do not question yourself about the future
Because we are ready to die and join you
If they won´t accept or tolerate the truth.
A citizenship.
St Antoine de la Vuadi