

2014-11-10 24 Dailymotion

The Peridot (pronounced PEAR - A - DOE) is a very beautiful but lesser known gemstone. It was first discovered on Topazo Island in the Red Sea by the Egyptians who called it 'The Gem of the Sun'. Peridos are unique gemstones because they are always green. They are a form of Chrysolite - magnesium aluminium silicate - with an iron impurity which is responsible for its green colour. The depth of green is proportioanal to the percentage of iron.

Peridot so orthorhombic
Lime green - olive green - and sea green
Even greens you've never seen
Yes - over forty shades of green.
Colours of all life and nature
Themes politic - themes scholastic
Peridot gems for all we know
Orthorhombic so Peridot.

Peridots can rival emeralds
In their lustre and their value
Mined in enigmatic China
Blissful Burma - U S A.
Offers wearer full protection
With it fame and dignity
It also brings prosperity
Emeralds rival can Peridots.

Peridot birthstone for August
Linked with Leo - powerful sign
Bringing health to lungs and liver
A peridot will bless the giver.
Peridot gemstone of Egypt
Worn to ward off evil spirits
By Romans to dispel a foe
August for birthstone Peridot

Peridot so green so perfect
Peridot so orthorhombic
Peridots can rival emeralds
Peridot birthstone for August
August for birthstone Peridot.
Emeralds rival can Peridots
Orthorhombic so Peridot
Perfect so green so Peridot.

Dedicated to the Angel of August.

(John Knight - Frosty Colchester - 1 February 2010)


John Knight
