We knew it wasn’t right.
Knew it would be taken away.
Two became one that night.
Why did we let reality go astray?
I have been lied to and insulted.
Promised love, then left alone.
You have been stabbed and ne’er consulted.
Promised forever, then eaten to the bone.
Two misfit hearts - fitted.
But only for a moment or two,
With all chances of ‘us’ ridded.
Curse Fate who has blackened our lovers’ red hue.
Force myself to move on.
Survive the storm and hunker down.
Many years will you be long gone,
Leavin’ me alone in this one horse town.
Your smoke still clinging to my skin,
Your kiss slowly disappears from my lips.
Your laughter shall ne’er be heard by my kin,
Nor your slow sensual caressing upon my hips.
But why must you go now?
You are more right for me than ever!
Though, you hadn’t meant to - You’ve taken a last bow.
But you will make it through – you are so clever.
You will not fade, but rise to glory.
A time shall come I will not grieve, for a new morning
Will come, singing with another soul, a happier story……
Yes, go now, and fare thee well,
For I shall always love you, my dearest Cory.
Conchita Mauer