
Samanyan Lakshminarayanan - # # A SOUL - PART FOUR [CONCLUSION]

2014-11-10 5 Dailymotion

As i grew day by day
my dads love for mom grew along
he was very pleased with me
as a gift from mom
i did revive their relationship
i was doing what..i was sent for

awoken i felt...from the baby..one day
'your time to leave' i was told
all good things must come to an end
HIS devious mechanism of sickness
started working on me the baby...every
body has to be made useless to leave

i could not retain anything...not knowing
what to do the two rushed me to the dispensary
helpless and worried faces both
shoulder to shoulder..hands clasped..expecting recovery
i could not bear the sadness in their faces
felt like telling them i will never ever go...

though not true..i do have to leave
to hell or heaven i do not know
to heaven HE would tell me
well my mother's lap was more than heaven to me
the two cuddled and clasping each other in pain..would HE
do all this to achieve this relationship..strangely HE has..

as the moment arrived i stilled the baby to leave
kissed the mom and dad a good bye..they will not know
the mom picked up the baby and gave it a kiss
ah..and that one reached me too...
as i flew out through the same corridor
a heaviness i felt all through pulling me down

HE can never convince me on this...death
..even as a soul


[HE is the almighty creator and destroyer
me a soul]
i agree with poet raj nandy comment on soul 1
a body cannot be alive without the soul..in fact
as a baby comes out its face would show its character even
my elder had sweet stubborn lips..my younger a sweet dimple..and
they still live up to it...since this is a story conceived in my teens.
i did not want to tamper with it......

Samanyan Lakshminarayanan
