the sky was a light and dark gray
i knew the rain was on the way.
i longed to feel GODS cleansing water
upon my head.
thunder and lightning i did not dread.
the rains started off very slow
the pitter patter of the drops
set my heart aglow.
for water is the essence of life
and the way it is used
it will not suffice.
i looked up to the skies
and i thanked GOD above
for every dropp of his love.
this love spread throughout this land
giving everything that lived
a helping hand.
the thunder is his voice screaming
out to all mankind.
to stop this devastation
of all his creations.
the lightning is his fingers
pointing to all that he sees wrong
and destroying what doesn't belong.
and through my eyes i see
all that has been created.
my eyes are full, my heart elated.
i see joy, happiness, gladness, sadness
poverty, hunger, war and hate
but above all this
i see love and faith.
faith can move mountains or so they say
i see this faith every day.
people who are terminally ill
a reprieve from GOD
and are here still.
as the waters cleanse the earth
we are cleansed at our birth
and at our baptisim
we let the cleansing waters begin
to finish wiping away our sins.
louis rams