
Amy Darnbrook - My Doctor - this is a poem I wrote for David Tennant when I found out he was leaving Doctor Who

2014-11-10 285 Dailymotion

To my special Doctor
The one I won't forget
Though there have been many
You're the best one yet

You can never be replaced
Though they're doing that now
You'll be in my heart always
I think of you and say 'Wow! '

I know that everyone loves you
So I'll tell you before it's too late
You're even better than Christopher Eccleston
And believe you me, he was great

You saved so many aliens
And us humans, a thousand times
Every time, I think of you
Every time a church bell chimes

Every time I see the first blade of grass
Or a beautiful butterfly
When I look upon the crystal sea
Or gaze into the clear blue sky

I know you're not a real person
But in my dreams you are
You're the sun, the moon, the planets
You're each shining midnight star

You're a lonely, only child
Always, forever alone
Yet not once have I heard you grumble
Complain, moan or groan

Now all I ask is that you remember them
Especially loving Rose
Martha, Donna, Sarah, Mickey, Jack and Jackie
Each person from each episode

Even the evil ones, like daleks
Cybermen and Clockwork Killers
Werewolves, ghosts and massive bats
The ones that with fear fill us

Though I never really knew them
They deserve to not be forgot
They helped save a thousand things
They all meant such a lot

And though I'm not a great poet
My words are totally true
And from every person here on Earth
A tremendous, loving thank you

Maybe the words of a twelve-year-old
Don't mean much to you
So from the whole of time and space
You're our Doctor Who

Amy Darnbrook
