You told me one night you had conquered the rift
And if I looked outside I would find your gift
So I looked outside and stared in awe
At the magnificence that before me I saw
A bridge that spanned across the sea
A bridge that you had built for just for me
A bridge that shone beautiful in the night
A bridge of silver spun silk glowing with celestial twilight
As if the spiders had spun it at your request
And the stars suspended it at your behest
Kept aloft by the stars you captured to light my way
So beautiful and luminecent I almost wanted to stay
But on the other side of this remarkable connection
Is a gem that that you have waiting for my collection
My eyes are beholding something impossible to concieve
Someone creating something so wonderous for me is hard to believe
My eyes fill with tears at the wonder my eyes behold
Stars shining reflecting off the silk in bright silver and gold
My tears shine like diamonds under the full moon
As my heart swells from your heartfelt boon
I begin my journey across the sea and stars
To find you waiting with open arms
I am lost in a moonstruck wonder a silent reverie
Pondering why such a magnificent person is deserved by me
jen capaldi