

2014-11-10 3 Dailymotion

There on the couch she snoozes and lay
Easing her back from a tiresome day,
Put on music to entice her imaginations
And there in the forest she found herself in deep hallucination...

Then he comes, with a picnic basket on his hand
Blanket, aged wine and a flower which is rare of its kind,
Laid the blanket on the ground and summon her to come
By his side, be with him as they watch the sunset this time.

Wine tasted their lips as they have the first sip
Adoringly look at each other with love so deep,
Their hands meet, as he bends for a kiss
Profound happiness is felt they don't wanna miss!

Yet blessings of rain comes dropping in
They run for shelter, giggling hand in hand,
Off they haste and find a shelter under a tree
Shiver in coldness, closer than close they ease in glee!

Frogs croak and dance at nearby pond
Singing merrily they seem have fun,
At the wetness and coldness the rain brings
Yet coldness draws them naughty as they do the deed!

Hmn…they look at each other and naughty smiles seen on their lips
She wink at the thought and he knows what it is
They have same thoughts, same lOve, and same lUst
Same wanting to fill their longing deeper than deep they hope to last.

So at same rhythm as the frogs keep on singing
They too felt same rhythm of their deep urges and wanting,
Letting their body melt at profound heat, oh, so amazing
As they kiss and move and touch with same rhythm!

But alas! One frog leaps on them, indiscreetly croaking
Hmn…better run then and continue the rhythm
There is a good place waiting
Where damn naughty frogs could not disturb their mating!

(Ha ha! Dedicated to my FROG PRINCE! (wink!) T'was fun making this.)

Inner Whispers
