I'm not afraid to say it
I'm not gonna say I'm sorry for it
Ain't even one of 'em worth a thing
Just dirt beneath our feet
Each and every last one of 'em
They protect and serve all right....
I can think of no more fitting title than this one for them
Unless maybe it's.....
Yeah, much better
Not trying to say they should die and I'm not trying to encourage any nutcases out there
I'm just saying that none of us should honor or shed any tears over these fallen zeroes
Act so tough
As tough as nails
Think they're so high and mighty
Above the law
Better than all the rest of us
Rolling my eyes I can only say
Oh please....
NWA said it best
When they said
F the police
I would say creating them was God's worst mistake
But I think we all know by now
God had nothing do with these jerks
In fact, I'm pretty sure he agrees with me
'Cause he was the one who ask me in a dream to write....
The only good cop is a dead cop
Note-Hey, why do you think so many of them die each year, anyway?
Eyes to the skies, people
2009 Ramona Thompson
Ramona Thompson