2-abush of pope and politic (poem)
Pope believe the powers of god (Hong Kong)
They have hauteur for bad or good
They know the good taunts to leasers
Now they disobey by praying leer
Governor is just head in jack box
How the pope has to play through
Trash around and shrink their protests
They just pray to stay on post
Left heart is strong in diastole
Right hand has forceful orders
God fix our dices to stand
Dickens control our times in watches
We pray the cats not to drunk
We pray for no dido to run
Pray for baby boomers of rats
Pray for tricks with bad capes
Might God give tickets like slips?
Might rats close their lips?
But now the controls of powers are slides
Plans for general polls are idling
Gods save the worlds as selected
Dab hands are use to delay
Adjusters bilk compromises with threats
Belly gods have churches in feasts
Laughers are pin heads in powers
Silly Billy did not make proves
General polls and referendums have costs
Referrals by Dickens are passes to gods
--poem on politics by Cheung Shun Sang=cauchy3--
cheung shun sang