Unicorns and horses run wild and free
I lie down in a field of Kentucky green grass and run my fingers through the blue blades
as they tickle my fingers....
I can only see your silhouette as you stand over me, the sunlight blinds me from seeing your face,
As you lay your body on mine, your lips are just a whisper,
soft, warm and full....
Trees sway in the warm breeze, and we are shadowed by a large oak,
Your eyes look into mine and I see dreams, the magic that created this world. it's ours and the fairies lightly descend around us
and sit quietly like sentinals...
I watch them shake their wings and fairy dust scatters in the breezes,
I can feel the little sparkles light on our faces and smile.
you smile...
We know it's just for a short time and we will have to go back..go back there..
but for now...we breath deeply and are content.
Pauline Levesque