
Francis Duggan - So Many Far Too Many Out There

2014-11-08 7 Dailymotion

So many far too many out there who of poetry do profess to know
And though for their years one would expect from them more sense their ignorance and arrogance they like to show
In expressing their unsolicited opinions on others as they try to define poetry from doggerel
In their harsh unsolicited verbal attacks on fellow writers
they hardly do serve themselves well
They like to consider themselves as mentors yet mentors never harshly criticize
That mentors do not hurt other people's feelings such a simple thing they do not realize
Their idea of what is good poetry may not be so to others since we all look at things differently
The Human World would seem so boring if on all things we all did agree
Most people come across nasty strangers people they do not even know
Their verbal attacks quite uncalled for show in self esteem they are quite low
Yet their egos are overinflated and they feel their opinions do count
And they fail to realize through their arrogance that their opinions to little amount
They consider themselves to be mentors though some with them may not agree
For mentors encourage not belittle at least that is how it should be.

Francis Duggan
