
David Hart - Faustus

2014-11-08 5 Dailymotion

Faustus' by David Hart

Faustus croons
Robust and beneficent
He's a gent bedighted
Lordly in a bosk boon

Forever, we yearn for more,
More since we've heard
His splenetic tunes

Faustus' winds tickle me
In barrancas effulgent
And copses verdant and free

Dear Faustus, begird me cool in forrests

Breezes langorious caress me
In assuasive gardens of dew

Anoint me in streams and rivers glorious
Steep me in spates splendiforous
Slap me with prickly rain dropliforous

Oh, His munificent gargantuan gree
Great padishah to big and small
What glorious sights there to see
Dave Hart 2006
vocabulary: bedight- v. to dress or array, boon-
jolly; jovial; convivial: boon companions, n. something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit, copse - a dense growth of bushes

David Hart
