
Doral Deepset - ' FOREVER...THE QUIETNESS.

2014-11-08 0 Dailymotion

I was(by now)
not only dead

but decomposing

composed only
of my death & the silences

of memory.

Leaves I would have
delighted in(in Life)

fall & cover me

unafraid of who
I am now

unafraid of who
I am not...n ow.

Somewhere...some part
of who I used to be

to accept this death

& continues
(despite itslelf)

to exist
(write this)

notice that
it is

a cold Autumnal wind

...this the existence of

and that I can think
without thinking

or at least until
the loving couple's

dog unthinkingly
digs me up

her screams tearing the bloody
sunset to shred

my lack of being

and that

only now

can I afford
to die

& taste(at last)
forever...the quiteness.


My friend had a young daughter who was murdered...being hacked to death in a fury. She used to dream of her dead daughter wanting her death to be known and that then and only then could she agree to be dead.

Doral Deepset
