

2014-11-08 8 Dailymotion

Do you believe in u.f.o, (unidentified flying object?)
Even though this is a very controversial subject

Are we really alone in this universe?
Knowing how big this universe is, it really doesn’t make sense

There are so many claims and eyewitness of seeing U.F.O
The most famous one is the crash of a u.f.o in 1974 in the desert of Mexico

I’m hoping there are other living things called as aliens in this universe
Who are very advance in technology and can help us to get earth rid of so much of our messes

They may know how to cure so much of our sickness and diseases
In return they can learn from us, greed, divorce, hunger, anxiety, depression, ignorant, selfishness, war, conflicts and so many other cases

That could be a good reason why they don’t want to get close to humans
They are afraid to fall in love with someone on earth, because of so many broken hearts among women and men which is not unusual for a humans

They are afraid we follow them to their planet
When they see how much pollution and mess we made on our earth planet

Fiction or science, every body has a right to dream
If one day E.T. knocks my door, I will invite him and his family to a nice dinner and delicious ice cream

Sam Arjomandi

Sam Arjomandi
