
s./j. goldner - hibernating

2014-11-08 2 Dailymotion

the pine needles are encrusted with ice;
we melt them with our heat,
the warm place we created for ourselves.

headlights invading fogged windows
steamed from passionate, lustful,
young twenty-something desire.

Too much sex, not enough love.
An all night affair
A stop along the way
on this bumpy road of

life hasn't changed,
the pain has dulled
but hasn't subsided.

yesterday it was disorganized, random,
chaotic like the happenings of the universe.
today it's synchronized, almost planned but never so.

the positioning is spontaneous
and combustible
and all-together spur-of-the-moment,

he aligns me where he wants,
how he sees fit.

She drops her brightly colored gemstone bracelet
on the ledge in front of the rear window.
Kings of Leon just came on.

I'm thinking to myself, I'm a different girl, in a different town
who doesn't have to fcuk in the backseat of a car,
but who can rent a top-dollar room for her gorgeous conquests.

And he is gorgeous. His eyes are as deep and tranquil as the Bermuda seas.
I fall into them, against better judgement and sound mind.

Somehow i exist with him. In an alternate universe,
where we are the stuff of stars and can live impatiently without a stop
and a go. A right and a wrong.
Untouched and untainted in the womb we created for ourselves.

I think I'm in love with him. But the idea scares him, and we're all so scared.
No need to add to the fear.

His mission is to make me explode,
make my body feel the upmost amount of mortal pleasure.
My mission is to take it-
from every direction and it makes me horny as a kitten in heat.

Who sleeps on my bed tonight without me.

s./j. goldner
