
Margaret Alice - Mind Somewhere Else…

2014-11-08 8 Dailymotion

Returned to a cat-fight kitchen, cat
debris covering everything, mud
clods in the house, our brave dogs
scared off burglars, iron bars
opened with wrenches

Visited police, got a case number;
received Psalms and the New Testa-
ment as a gift; scrubbing floors and
kitchen tops, singing while I work,
burglar bars welded back

Sharp spikes welded to gate, washing hung,
rain, groceries, chaos, running to and fro,
folding clothes, feet burning, fatigue, con-
fusion in my head - what is the next step –
the day is not over yet

Dinner to be prepared, I need a rest, dreaming
is best, where is my heroine, what is she doing,
I need to switch off, rest body and soul before
continuing; such a very long day, have to
send my mind somewhere else

Far away from domestic life…

Margaret Alice
