the whispers of coffee
black waves of steam tea candles of light blue and marlboro lights
haze above your skin
in a luminescent perfume
that entreats me to inspire
and as you stand in that transparent scent
dark locks of curls potentially bounce
in alternate realties
where your eyes slyly play behind them
on freckled constellations
the mood colors your nails
lasting in seconds of purposefully fluid motion
scantily holding a red solo
your quiet hands testing patience
of a beating heart
navigation down the indigo seam
classily leads to the sailing winds
where leg ascends leg caressingly
open to imaginative interpretation
where paintings are being painted
i am intrigued by a girl
who compels me to inspire her
to touch her
to diffuse my passion in subtle looks and gests
love whispers to my heart
daring me to look
fluent in elegance
her allure implores me:
hold me
Everest Fox