
Emo Seb - tears wasted

2014-11-08 4 Dailymotion

ive cried over things
that didnt really matter
cried for everything
whether i was sad or
not didnt really matter
i cried

now the time comes
for me to cry
but my tears are gone
they've all run dry
and i cant cry
ive tried

my tears are gone
ive none to shed for you
it seems almost as if
im dead to you
my skin i shed for you
i died

to become renewd
to revive my heart
ill erase my past
thats a start
to make more room in my heart
ive tied

the ropes too tight
time to cut my self free
blood bottled up
time to cut my self deep
set my blood free
i hide

my scars with sleeves
so no one sees
they trace my veins
branching out like trees
branches waiting to seize
i lied

wut i said, i don't know
maybe i do maybe i dont
im not sure
but im sure i wont
if i dont

once for you
wanting you
to renew
down it all for you

Emo Seb
