
s./j. goldner - Pending petals need water to bloom OR Roses are red; so are stop signs.

2014-11-08 3 Dailymotion

Lobsters wear slippers
in the obscured recesses of her mind.

As he interrupts to shout,
“We’ll F now.”
Candidness catches off guard
To which he demonstratively—claims—
I’m making up for your time-wasting obliqueness;

Instant satisfaction is never-lasting.

As soon as he starts pushing she gets the f..k out.
Territorial aggressive men when they’re horny
Make her want to draw up her panties, slip on her bra
& bolt to the nearest exit pressing—

What does your hard-on think of this?
Opening the door to burst forth into night,
words, carrying kisses of repeated goodbyes,
trail softly behind:
Find another serenaded sweet to acquiesce to your

compuls(e) ive desires—
less satisfactory

And they usually do,
They usually don’t.

Because they’ll come again,
Assuring her the brakes will be on, the gear shift in low
And the patience in drive.
Promising her they’ll take it slow.

Lying to her, they’ll take it slow.

s./j. goldner
