Tick tock
It's two o'clock
He hasn't called
He's probably stoned
I walk across the hall
Wondering if I should call
Or bear myself the ache
And wait for the day to break
My hands tremble
As I dial his number
I hope he doesn't answer
If he's still with her
She picks up the phone
With a gloating tone
Says he's deep asleep
Then all I hear is a beep
My eyes bleed
As I remember his deed
His past mistakes
The loyalty he fakes
Being out of his sight
Doesn't give him the right
To hurt and break apart
My loving faithful heart
He calls the other day
Forgot about yesterday
Tells me he really missed me
And how much he needed me
Her voice rings in my ears
Once again I break in tears
I tell him about the day before
And that I can't take it anymore
He blames it on the booze
Says he doesn't wanna lose
The only pure soul
That makes him feel whole
I don't want to leave
'Cause deep inside I believe
That his heart belongs to me
And that we're meant to be
I truly wish I could stay
But I have to walk away
It's easier to step on my heart
Than watch him tear it apart
Sou Meads