I 'fell in love' with you when i was thirteen.
You were the Light from Heaven that saved
Me from the Darkness of Hell; nothing could touch me.
I lived everyday for you and willingly slaved
To see you smile, to hear you laugh, to watch you stare
At me and wonder if it was me you were thinking.
But i was only thirteen! and your age? well i couldn't care.
You were my first love; i watched your eyes watch my body, twinkling
Making me short of breath. But my thirteen year old mind
Could not grasp reality or even who you were, you liar.
Tell me, love, did you enjoy watching me live for you? To unwind
Before your eyes for you when my entire world was on fire?
I hope you had a good laugh, dear, when i longed you for my first kiss.
I bet you see me really stupid, don't you my sunshine. i write this now
For if i rubbed this in your perfect face, never you know i wrote this.
You never loved me did you? You played the game masterfully - how
Else could i have spent nights crying for you?
I now realize my tears were wasted - but wasted for you, my love.
Oh, the times you left me breathless - you made me the fool.
That's right babe, laugh it up, you jerk, but i will rise above
Your level of manipulation, my love, my one and only, my sourceof hope.
You never knew me then and now you never will - are you happy?
I am no longer under your power, dear, under your dope.
Now it is me who is laughing, you hear me you bum? Laughing!
I'm done with you, my dearest love, you no longer hurt me.
And now i THANK GOD i am no longer thirteen.
Conchita Mauer