
Anthony Edmond John - To The Honour of This Page

2014-11-08 0 Dailymotion

Bleating Whisps,
Chattering Papyruses,
See as they wave their Happy hands to you and the wind,
Swerving in consortium to my Jazz and Waltz,
Aha! waltzing it by the rushes..Their Brushes,
Are they Belles or Gents,
Bats or Platypuses,
Are These Fellas or Brutes,
The good guy or your comic villian,
To Egypt, Paper and This Salient Page,
The eyes of the gods have seen through your age,
Read this page in thoroughness to breathe in the imprint of the Spirits.
Let this Poet be Crown with Honour...For he hath Honoured Us...Selah.

Anthony Edmond John
