
Dr. Tulsi Hanumanthu - The Body and the Brain

2014-11-07 3 Dailymotion

The Body and the Brain (An Experimental Sonnet)

Once, the body quarreled with the brain.
The former sulked: “Proud you are, and vain!
Although your perch placed so highly is,
The plain and patent fact you seem to miss
Is that I shelter you in part of me,
For which kindness grateful you should be.
Instead, all day you make me slog and work
While, gloatingly, you command me with a smirk! ”

“To slave your duty is, to drive my right.
But often have you dared this norm to slight!
At times you prostrate lie when, to your level,
In pulling down my lofty seat you revel! ”
Complained the brain. 'We’re quits” the body said;
“To HIS own order of things aren’t we wed?

Dr. Tulsi Hanumanthu
