I watch her
move about
now in brightness
now silhouetted by the light
suffused with love
...with light
(all red hair flying
as she runs to meet him
he clicks the shutter
just before
she reaches him
flings herself
into his arms
sending the camera flying
her yellow blouse
& magenta skirt
turning now)
into the black & white
of this favourite photo
of 40 years ago or more
perched above
a roaring fire
that keeps the wolfish winter at bay
aided and abetted by a clock
with porcelain tick-tocks
& a flamenco doll
from touristy Spain
from sister Flo
(and with whom she never did get along) .
This is all she has
to fight Time with.
She so young then so
in her delight.
I watch her now
potter about
a halo of white white hair
her beautiful faded hands
making me a pot of Earl Grey tea.
She falls asleep
in the middle of talking to me
as the photo
comes alive
both dreaming the other.
I kiss her
sleeping head
tuck in her cover
my heart knowing that I love her
both in the times
that I didn’t know her
and that
I know her.
Dónall Dempsey