
Coreena Dejesus - 11/11/2007 Michigan My Home

2014-11-07 1 Dailymotion

Michigan my home the state shaped like a mitten,
On the license plates great lakes is written,
Construction in the state all year long,
The term orange cones should be added to our song.
Michigan I dread in the winter to love though,
In those months the ground is coated with snow.
Christmas Lights displays on Hines drive,
View the lights but the mph is a whole five.
Frankenmuth Christmas time the decorations,
Different Christmas shops in all sorts of locations.

Michigan the UP is not a direction rather a location,
Over the Mackinac Bridge I swear it’s another nation,
The “Yoopers” consists of there very own population,
If you haven’t been there go it’s a different type of vacation.
Anyways back over the Mackinac Bridge enjoy some fudge,
Fudge isn’t Fudge unless its Mackinac fudge.. try it you be the judge!

Michigan my home Detroit not very pretty,
Know to the big three, oh how I miss the Motor city.
Pistons, Tigers, Lions, and Red Wings,
Oh the joy of my home teams bring.

Boats galore people fishing for trout,
Michigan Lakes is what it’s all about,
Summers on the lake jet ski fun,
Laying out on the beach soaking up the sun.
Late nights camp fires making smores,
Mosquito bites that you just can’t ignore.

Home will always be home even when I’m not there,
Michigan is home there is no compare,
Even when my body is somewhere else to rome,
My heart resides in Michigan, Oh Michigan my home.

Coreena Dejesus
