
Josh Austin - Untitled......(any suggestions?)

2014-11-07 1 Dailymotion

I've been asking myself latley
Who have you become?
Who is that person am I seeing?

Where'd the real me go?
Did I fluch the real me down the drain?
Did I lose the real me in the sea?

You may be asking yourself, what the heack is he talking about
So heres the truth
I feel like a horrible friend

On top of that I feel like I'm a horrible person
I feel the only way to be close to somebody is to be clingy
And that aint me

That aint the way I wanna be known
When I become clingy I tend to screw somethings up
And I'm sorry for it

I do look at myself and ask them questions every day, more then twice a day
I really don't know who I am any more
And yeah I don't know where the real me went

It seems like I'm a different person
I thought I found out who I was not that long ago
But I lost the real me again

Don't get me wrong I know where I came from, I know how to treat people well, I know how to ladys with respect
But I for got how to treat myself with respect
And that's why I feel like I don't know who I am, and why I feel like I'm always messin up

To any of my friends that I hurt by saying stupied things, or any friends I might have been too clingy too, or might have lied too, I didn't mean to do that, and I'm sorry, it wont happen again. Cause I Love All Of You In Different Ways and I need to show it a little better.

Josh Austin
