
Coreena Dejesus - 10/29/2007 Judge Me

2014-11-07 0 Dailymotion

You look and laugh but you just don’t know,
You have know clue what I have been through.
How are you going to tell me that I’m wrong?
You sit there and think that she’s not strong,
I’ve been through so much you really don’t know me.
If you grew up knowing how things were you would agree,
“She has more patience then anyone you ever knew”,
I’m a real woman and even though you judge I say thank you,
You smile while passing but I can here you chat,
People are going to keep talking and I’m ok with that.
Because every word you speak reminds me of Who I am,
And frankly in the end I don’t give a damn.
When you stop judging then we can begin,
Realize it or not I’m a strong woman within.


Coreena Dejesus
