
vincent armone - What Really Matters

2014-11-07 0 Dailymotion

We care about comments
not even said to our face
but health care in this country
is a dam disgrace
your sick and dieing
we dont care
whats more important
is your dam hair

What really matters

We care about comments
about the blacks and the whites
but its our boys in iraq
who are in the real fight
coming home in pieces
body bags too
think they care about
who said what to who

What really matters

We care about comments
listen hard to whats said
is the comments worth
anyone getting dead

What really matters
should be your family for most
then your country and the freedoms its boasts
care about yourself get healthy inside
dont let know one take your pride

What really matters
differs from me to you
but I dont care about the small stuff
said by the ingnorent few and
wont say another word on this subject
this poet is through.

vincent armone
