
Melissa Ferrer - BACKSTABBERS

2014-11-07 8 Dailymotion

The last words of ceasar
Showed startle toward a backstabber
'et tu brutae'
To be stabbed and gored for life

Words act as daggers
Shanks and swords
Through the heart, the mind and the soul
bleeding emotions and life


to be ones friend
and abandoned in the end
To be on ones side
Then strip away their pride

Et tu?
are you?
you too?
BACKstabber? ! ? !
I cant believe you

you hate
you pretend
you lie
and you fake

you say
to the end
and then
you strip away
all i have
as you repeatedly stab
me in my back....

Dont talk
dont breathe
just let the anger seethe
and engulf you whole
and then youll know
it truly was until the end
that you were a backstabber
and not a friend.

Melissa Ferrer
