
s./j. goldner - bonfires in November

2014-11-07 1 Dailymotion

first he calls you crazy
& then he calls you a slut
& then because you moved on
and wouldn't let him tear you down

well then he calls you immature and
desperate- taking comfort in the sad misconception:
you're making him jealous
boosting his own ego.

when really you're
trying to make yourself happy
after he made you miserable;

and this makes him angry, bringing out his most
ugly features, her most beautiful ones

because you know she won't sit at home
crying under her covers- surrounded
in the false security
of her blankets.

you know she won't

you know she has...,

but you know she's learned now.

& it was okay for you to hit on onetwothree girls
seconds after you dumped her
but it was not okay for her to date a
week later.

cause you're a creep,
your friends know it;
her friends know it;

and who'll be around when you're comin' down
she will be.

she will be.

s./j. goldner
