
nimal dunuhinga - Tigers without stripes

2014-11-07 4 Dailymotion

A large striped animal of the cat family
the tiger, in Sri Lankan jungle you don't find.
There are only leopards with spots
and no stripes at all.
Let them call themselves tigers
we have no any objections
but we are worried only about their mass killings.
The late Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indhira.Ghandhi
who 'breast-fed' these tiger cubs?
and when they grew up provided part of her own nation
to train them how to hold a gun.
It backfired and she lost her pilot son
the Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv.Ghandhi
killed by her 'foster' sons.
Even an infant of this world knows this sad tale
but unfortunately 'Norwegian uncles' still shed crocodile tears
for these untamed animals.

Dedication to Mr.Hans.Brattskar, Mr. Erik.Solheim, Mr.Lars.Johan.Solvberg, Mr.Ranil.Wickramasinghe & et cetera.

nimal dunuhinga
