
Pete Crowther - Yaks Are Wonderful

2014-11-07 4 Dailymotion

Yaks are wonderful
but they make terrible cheese.
Their nature is kind and gentle
unlike the spitting llama;
sometimes you may hear them
in the small hours of the night
talking quietly among themselves.
They are dreamy animals
much given to flights of fancy
but their manners are perfect,
old-fashioned and gentlemanly.
So far no-one has explained
why their cheese is so terrible.
Philosophers and gourmets
have long debated the issue,
even held joint symposia
on the subject but still they are baffled,
and the matter remains open for debate.
The cheese of cows, goats, and even
sheep is much to be preferred;
if you take my advice,
you will eschew yak cheese —
it really is terrible.

Pete Crowther
