
john tiong chunghoo - All Men's Dream - FIFA World Cup

2014-11-07 7 Dailymotion

fifa world cup - this month
where eyes will grovel
all over Brazilian fields
twisting and turning
doing their bossa nova
on legs, and things that make those legs
a winner of one nation's pride
a green bed where everything is
judged on scores of balls that jump,
careen, dribble, twist, turn, and fly
with the estatic roar that either
makes or breaks one's heart

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Fifa World Cup
my heart dribbles, shoots, jumps
like a ball

Fifa World Cup
my heart is
the goal post

Fifa World Cup
the men, the goal, the roar
jeers and tears

Fifa World Cup
the soar, the goal, the roar
jeers and tears
bet-ters, footballers

The Poem

fun to watch
men's patriotism
once treading
over war fields
where tearing up
innocent children
and families are
worthwhile goals
is now confined
to the football field

national anthem
in deafening roars,
flags flashing in burst
of human typhoons
boys' fighting tears
for brothers' losses
old men's struggle
to be part of the fun and
worthier cause that
had eluded them
every victory a notch up
in international standing
a million lives in war wont buy
every goal magnified in
admiration and respect
in eyes of billions
war is a dirty word
and football
all men's balls and dream

john tiong chunghoo
