
Louise Myers - God's Telephone Number

2014-11-07 27 Dailymotion

Call unto me and I will answer you,
Seek my guidance in all that you do,
Big or small, no matter the task,
If you will but come and prayerfully ask,

Our bond will become stronger if done this way,
And strengthen in quality more each day,
Great and mighty things I want you to know,
Listen to my words so you may grow,

I have already provided salvation's plan
Calvary's crimson red flow for every man,
This plan was fulfilled through Jesus, my Son,
Only through Him victory over sin has been won,

Be cheerful my child, remember call unto me,
As we walk together into eternity,
Call unto me and hear my voice,
Call unto me, make this you daily choice,

Jeremiah 33: 3
Call to me and I will answer you and tell
you great and mighty things you do not know.

Louise Myers
