Afraid of the dark I could not be
For I had a light that shone on me.
It swept away my fears of night,
Scattered my demons and put them to flight.
Its cheerful beam put me at ease
As it did all those who plough the seas.
The light beamed out for miles around
Preventing ships from running aground.
Alas this light is now no more
And darkness reigns over sea and shore.
Its days are done now radar's here
To tell all ships what course to steer.
Yet still I miss that friendly light
That brought me comfort in the night.
Sailors, too, have told me they
Were sorry when it went away.
The lighthouse though does yet remain
Commanding views across the main.
Tall sentinel of Spurn, for me
It is a childhood memory.
(Re-working of a poem by a friend (Sandra
Shan) recalling her childhood memories of
an operational lighthouse that is now no
longer functional) .
Pete Crowther