They say a bird, If you set it free
If it returns to you, It is yours to keep
But if you hold a bird and then set it free
And it doesn't fly away , its because it is tired and weak
You will see it tremble, You will wonder why
This bird in the palm of your hand will surly die
And thats just how I feel , while I'm living with you
Just like the little bird, I've lost my will too
I'm tired and I'm weak, I've given all that I can
I've lost all my dreams, from the palms of your hands
And like the small bird , only it cannot fly
You cannot see the pain or feel the hurt inside
And I tremble too, And I've lost my will
The only difference is, I'm alive still
So a bird in the hand, you might not understand
If it doesn't fly away, it might not can
And if you wait to late, it will surely die
Just as my love for you, it has died inside.
Bill Simmons