
Bill Simmons - The Pig And The Turkey

2014-11-07 2 Dailymotion

The pig said to the turkey
As he laughed and oinked a bit
I see that really you're a lot like me
When it comes to the food we get

The pig said I'm fast I know
I can run on all four of these feet
You'd better stand clear and stay out of my way
When it comes to the time to eat

He says I do see you're a lot like me
You are somewhat of a glutton too
But I warn you now if you get in my way
I'll just have me some turkey stew

Well the turkey said as he held his head up high
And ruffled his feathers as he walked by
We are just gonna have to see
But there ain't no pig gonna be eating on me

All day that pig strutted like a big machine
The other critters stayed clear they thought he was mean
And the turkey had nothing to say or tell
He just perched himself on the barn roof and waited for that dinner bell

Well sure enough the feed it came
And the pig had the whole troft to himself again
He laughed to himself said I fooled them well
He didn't see that turkey spread it's wings and begin to sail

Well as soon as that turkey got high aloft
He let go the biggest dump of his life right in that troft
The pig stopped eating and said damn whats that smell
The turkey laughed and hollered down
Thats all you get to eat of me I hope you like it well.

copyright © 2003 Bill Simmons
aka [email protected]

Bill Simmons
