
Pete Crowther - Hymn to the Moon

2014-11-07 2 Dailymotion

Sacred to Isis our mother the Moon
Ancient companion and daughter of Earth
Waxing and waning she marks out our days,
Changes our moods and the flux of our blood.
Mistress of tides of the sea’s ebb and flow,
Lantern of light in the darkness of night,
Let us give praise to her beauty and grace,
Lovely and slim as a maiden when young
Golden and splendid she shines at the full.
See how she sails through the clouds up above
Graceful and calm like a galleon she rides
Breasting the billows of night’s flowing tides.
Goddess so beautiful, goddess of love,
Many have worshipped her down through the years,
‘Luna’, ‘Diana’, ‘Astarte’ the names
Given to praise all her beautiful forms.
Harvest moon, hunter’s moon, crescent or full,
who is immune to her magical spell?
Queen of all heaven, she reigns up above,
Come and behold her in reverence and love.

Pete Crowther
