
Terence G. Craddock (afterglows echoes of starlight) - Wandering Lost Souls Homeless Outcasts

2014-11-05 12 Dailymotion

used up wandering lost souls
are cast forth onto homeless
streets into desolate wasteland

selfishness greed
is the whip driving outcasts
into discarded cold streets
of destitute depression

the great unwashed
wither unnoticed
wall street is many leagues
guaranteed protected
from debris of her greed

wealth is elite
insatiable rich

are quarantined
from their riff raft
sweat shop workers

wealth is life lived
upon bent clock in backs
of industrial immorality

exploitation crimes
are lap luxury good!
check out millions

in fat gross salary paid
to hunger CO of chain
gang fast food companies!

empires are built
upon history scorched
face of invaded countries
continents peoples enslaved
resources plundered

despot rulers sit upon glory throne embodiment
of a world crippled legacy their destructive waste...
wars seizing lusted for territories time exhuming last
pound of flesh last drop of blood from victim conquered...
masses leaving soulless embalmed husks to fall as roadside dust!

television news reels time out
do not air latest cruelties in factories
residue third world discarded humanity
prey corporate campaigns

are wage slave maximum profit

management of metaphorical lacerated
bleeding backs testify to systematized
bean counter cruel extraction techniques
global worship of illicit accumulated proceeds

of sickness greed selfishness

Terence G. Craddock (afterglows echoes of starlight)
