

2014-10-30 1 Dailymotion

Ignorance and unawareness cannot stand before the enlighten of knowledge. In a fishermen’s locality an old woman called “Dadi Amma” has founded a school in her small hurt. Every day she goes house to house to bring children to school. She wants every child of the Fishermen’s Goth to educate. The grandmother herself has never been to a school, but she has lighted the lamp of knowledge for others by laying the foundation of this school.
Has elderly feet need support of crutches to carry her places but in her heart she has a firm belief to cover this long distance on her own. Every day she knocks at doors in the area to fetch children to school where young girl from the locality who is a student herself teaches these children. The student-teacher herself has her school to attend in the morning, but as she arrives home, she has these children waiting for her in the Dadi Amma’s hut. As the young minds repeat the fundamental alphabets of Urdu and English, it looks as if the knowledge is protesting against the darkness of ignorance. The elderly wish of the grandmother shall one day see the light of the day.