O Lord there is a battle raging inside of me
I'm longing for your perfect peace to set my spirit free
I've heard your word time and again 'come unto me and rest
I will give you all you need and guide you through this test
As I've told you in my word when you've done all you can
Release your troubled mind to me and let me help you stand
I know what you're facing just be still and know
That I am God and I've prepared the way for you to go
I have gone before you I know the path you trod
I long for you to trust me and remember I'm still God
The devil is a liar he wants you to think
There is no hope, you're going to drown
The boat you're in will sink
When he starts to cloud your mind on how things may turn out
When he tells you I've forgotten you and fills your mind with doubt
Use the power I've given you resist him and he'll flee
Then be still in my presence as I draw you close to me.
Joye Atkinson