
Heather Burns - Time Travelers #2

2014-10-29 5 Dailymotion

As we travel through this life, let us
step softly, leaving behind precious
footprints as we go. Sprinklng positive
thoughts in the sands of time.

As we look upon the sea of suffering
humanity, extend a hand to the needy.
Wrap strong arms around them, embracing
from life's storms.

Strive to bring peace and harmony to
all men.

Ban together as a people like the prophets
of old, cryig in the wilderness. No longer
will our children suffer. Enough is enough.

As a people who believes in the welfare
of all humans. A peaceful co-existence
between all people, and nations. We are
all truely from Adam's Rib.

The God of the universe will surely show
us the way to peace and prosperity.

Let us use our talents wisely, as they
have been given. To those whom much is
given, much is required.

Let us be responsible travelers in this
life time, trying to make a difference,
and say,

Come let us reason together.

Heather Burns
