Some nights I go to bed Crying,
Those were the days I was really hurting.
I was never a fan of weeping,
Yet it was my solution to get what I was yearning.
I cried long tears in the darkness,
Because I did not want anyone to pity on my softness.
Always told crying was a sign of weakness.
Crying reminds me that I am human.
And it is okay to go through the emotions.
I cry when I am hurting,
I cry when I am mad,
The obvious one is when I am down and out and feeling sad.
The night is my sanctuary, the place where I can hide,
In the dark is when I cry.
I can feel the tears slowly trickling down my eyes,
Only then crying is the best thing that give an honest description of what I feel inside.
Crying is my release too difficult to say what is on my mind.
I cry because there is nothing I can say or do.
Feeling so powerless, so not in control.
I cry and it is true.
I am not super woman nor am I a super human.
I always try to avoid it,
But most times I can not help it.
I cry.....
Anita Khelawan