
Mustafa Mun - Twice Bitten twice Shy

2014-10-29 5 Dailymotion

Twice Bitten Twice Shy

It was never a feeling
Shot under so deep
It came to begin
From beginning till the end

A friend or a foe
Both Sneaking on toe
Making Mistakes
To Befriend

Confused was I
To understand their emotions
Made Mistakes in realizing the facts

It was never too late
Never too bad
I was never again too sad
Cuz love was one thing I never had

I yet looked up with hope
To gain some momentum in life
The plain black sky
Looked down at me with a gasp of sigh

There are moments which show you a path
This is the one to follow
Some do,
While others don’t

A few move on
Others get stuck
It quite difficult to be who you want to be
Yet you remain cursed
You would love to be happy
Yet entangled in this tragedy


You can find Distance in my book of poems 'labyrinth
on-http: //www.amazon.com/Labyrinth-Mustafah-Mun/dp/1409285251/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252381235&sr=1-1

Mustafa Mun
