
Francis Duggan - Not Even A Paper Aussie

2014-10-29 1 Dailymotion

Though I've lived in this marvellous Country for many a Season and year
I'm not even a paper Aussie I would like to make that clear
I was born and raised in Claraghatlea near Millstreet Town far from this Southern Shore
Within view of Clara Mountain overlooking Claramore.

Yet I love this Land Australia more than with words I can
hope to say
Some of it's amazing Wildlife I get to see every day
Monoterenes, marsupials, and megapodes that in this great
Land are only seen
The home of amazing birdlife that looks more brown than green.

At most I could only be a paper Aussie of that why should I lie
But the thoroughbred Australian is of a darker shade than you or I
Suppose we are what we think we are that's how it appears to be
And I am just a migrant that's how it does seem to me.

I do love this Land Australia in a non patriotic way
Some of it's amazing flora and fauna I do see every day
In this marvellous Southern Country of sunshine, storm, fire and drought
For one who likes to write just for the love of it so much to write about.

Francis Duggan
