
Francis Duggan - The Australian Raven

2014-10-29 3 Dailymotion

On the Australian mainland a familiar crow
The Australian raven everyone seem to know
Their long drawn out caws one can never mistake
Echo in the paddocks just after daybreak,
Common corvids that country folk see every day
The male and female pair for life those who know of birds say
High on a tree in a flat nest of sticks lined with wool and hay
In Spring four to five spotted brown green eggs the female bird lay,
That they alledgedly kill young lambs is their greatest offence
But on this one modern science has come to their defence
It has been proved they only kill lambs that are too weak to live
So for their minor crimes farmers them can forgive
And since they kill harmful insects and slugs every day
They do help the farmers in quite a big way.

Francis Duggan
